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Concept of Robotic Arm

The Innovation Never Stops

Continual improvements of Intelitech products and services

Current Updates

November 2024

What's New.


New Data Feeds

We continue to add customers to our standard data feeds from TCN, SBT, VoApps, and RevSpring. If you use these or other communication platforms, we are interested in pulling your outreach data into the warehouse with your other effort and performance measures to provide a broader picture of how the Intelitech products are performing.


Deceased Data in Scrubs and Monitoring

Since 2015, States are no longer required to report all deaths to a federal Death Master File. This has decreased the availability of death records to everyone, everywhere. Each county and State maintain death records using their own methods and standards for recordkeeping. The federal government maintains death records for individuals drawing benefits from the Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Our partners for scrubs and monitoring have worked diligently to improve the coverage post-federally mandated recordkeeping.


A new consortium of providers has been signed on to Phin’s deceased monitoring service and we’re excited that this will improve coverage for recorded deceased consumers. 


Email append feature available

LocateSmarter and Phin now offer an email append feature. If you are interested in acquiring email addresses for your consumers, please reach out.


LEVERAGE features in the field

Over the summer months, we upgraded everyone to a new dynamic framework that evaluates and adjusts medal algorithms systematically (rather than creating these algorithms by hand each quarter.) The medals behave the same in the collection platform, but the algorithm self-adjusts as needed on a weekly basis.


A new consortium of providers has been signed on to Phin’s deceased monitoring service and we’re excited that this will improve coverage for recorded deceased consumers. We can provide information on this new coverage on request.

We receive between 150 and 200 files of communication activity and results every single day. This data is helping us understand and build analytics to improve our products and solutions.


Our new customers and some existing customers are beginning to use Signals to simplify their workflow. Rather than doing complex conditionals in your collection platform, you can key off the one data point provided in Signals to be alerted to relevant, high confidence scenarios for identity, bankrupt, deceased and litigious consumers.


We are piloting the interactive version of OPTIQ this month. This experience allows the customer to review their liquidation by month offsets side by side with others in the industry, peer into the collection “funnel” from list to payment, and see what results from sending texts.

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